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How To Remove Friends In Bgmi

Remove Friends In Bgmi

In the dynamic and competitive world of battle royale gaming, establishing and managing your social connections can significantly impact your gaming experience. Whether you’re playing BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India) or PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds), knowing How To Remove Friends In BGMI/Pubg and Add new Friends block players is crucial for maintaining a positive gaming environment. In this guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of these social dynamics, covering how to remove friends in BGMI, add friends on PUBG, and effectively block players when needed.

How to Remove Friends in BGMI/PUBG:

BGMI, the Indian version of PUBG, provides a seamless interface for managing your friends list. If you find yourself wanting to trim down your friend circle, follow these simple steps:

1. Open the BGMI/PUBG App:how to remove friends in bgmi,add friends on pubg,how to block player in pubg

Launch the BGMI/PUBG app on your device and log in to your account.

2. Access the Friend List:

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Navigate to the friend list by tapping on the icon that typically looks like two people or a silhouette.

3. Select the Friend to Remove:

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Scroll through your friend list and select the friend you wish to remove.

4. Click on Remove:

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Once you’ve chosen the friend, look for the “Remove” option, usually denoted by a trash bin icon. Confirm your decision when prompted.

5. Verify the Removal:

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Double-check your friend list to ensure the selected player has been successfully removed.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your friends list in BGMI and create a gaming environment that suits your preferences.

How To Add Friends On Pubg/Bgmi:

In PUBG/BGMI, building a strong team often involves connecting with skilled players. Adding friends in PUBG/BGMI is a straightforward process:

1. Launch the PUBG/BGMI App:

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  • Open the PUBG/GMI app on your device and log in to your account.

2. Access the Friend Interface:

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  • Look for the friend icon, which typically resembles two people or a silhouette, and tap on it.

3. Select Add Friend:

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  • Locate the “Add Friend” button, usually represented by a ‘+’ sign or similar symbol.

4. Enter Player’s IGN:

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  • Input the In-Game Name (IGN) of the player you want to add. Double-check for accuracy to avoid adding the wrong person.

5. Send Friend Request:

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  • Once you’ve entered the correct IGN, send a friend request. The player will receive a notification and can accept your request.

6. Confirm Friendship:

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  • Upon acceptance, the player will be added to your friends list, and you can enjoy playing together. By following these steps, you can effortlessly expand your PUBG social circle and enhance your gaming experience with reliable teammates.

How To Block Player In Pubg/Bgmi:

Encountering disruptive or undesirable players in PUBG/Bgmi may necessitate blocking them for a more enjoyable gaming experience. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Go to the friends list tab in the lobby and check the name of that player

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  • Click on their profile picture and click ‘Start Chat’

how to remove friends in bgmi,add friends on pubg,how to block player in pubg

  • Now, click on the 3 horizontal lines at the top available on the screen and click on ‘Block Player’ to block.

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how to remove friends in bgmi,add friends on pubg,how to block player in pubg

  • Blocking players helps maintain a positive gaming atmosphere and ensures a smoother gameplay experience in PUBG/BGMI.


Effective management of friends and players is essential for a thriving Battle Royale gaming experience. Whether you’re looking to remove friends in BGMI/PUBG, add new teammates in PUBG/BGMI, or block disruptive players, these step-by-step guides will empower you to curate your gaming social circles according to your preferences. Remember, a well-managed friends list contributes to a more enjoyable and collaborative gaming journey.

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